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Why Hiring the Facebook Generation May Not Be a Bad IdeaOver the past few years, circumstances have changed in the workplace and have become something you may want to take into consideration, which is the new attitude that characterizes the Y generation and how they view the workplace. First, they are very savvy and hyper-connected through many social media networks. In the current business climate they know they are in demand and they know they have many business owners where they want them.

With the critical shortage of good workers out there, you may want to consider this.  When they show up for the interview, they will be interviewing you, not the other way around. Among other things, members of this younger generation are also looking for meaning. They are looking for a job that brings them a sense that they are making a difference in the world. Sure, money is important , but if you can find a way through your business to offer them a way to give back to the community, allow them to volunteer in projects outside your business that make a contribution either locally or globally, a grander vision, then you might get their attention.

They are not interested in the “same old same old” of their parents’ generation. They have a sense that they can change the world and in some cases, they are doing it. They are team orientated and they will walk on fire for you if you can communicate your vision to them based on your philanthropy, no matter how meager that might be. They are attracted to an inspirational boss or a project, so remember that you are on stage when they walk through the door for an interview!

Contrary to public belief, most of this generation is hard working, caring and well-connected and they have a razor-sharp ‘B.S. detector’. Treat them with respect and mean what you say and you will be well positioned to have these dynamic workers in your business. And keep them in your business!



Article Author: Roy Prevost is an internationally recognized retail trainer, keynote speaker and customer service activist. He is the author of Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to Outmaneuver and Outperform the Big Guys. Roy has spent the last 25 years working in and with thousands of businesses worldwide helping them grow their business and increase revenues by showing them how to compete in a hyper-competitive world through relationship building and going the extra mile with customers. He is passionate about turning business owners into ‘Customer Service Superstars’. Click Here to receive your complementary guide: 10 Topics to Discuss Before You Hire a Web Design Company.

Article Resources:
Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to outmaneuver and outperform the big guys by Roy Prevost

Photo Source: courtesy of Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot / Free Digital Photos