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The Importance of a Dynamic Tagline or MantraIt’s just as vitally important to develop a great elevator speech as it is a tag line or mantra. A tagline is the phrase you drop on people before you delve into your elevator speech. It is the conversation opener. It can be funny or inspiring. But it begs the question, “How do you do that?”

Every business or venture can create a tagline or mantra that conjures up curiosity on behalf of the recipient and that will allow an opening for a further discussion. What could be your mantra?

Here are examples of some of the world’s most famous taglines:

3M    Innovation
Subway    Eat fresh
American Airlines    Something special in the air
Grey Poupon    Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?
CNN    The most trusted name in news
McDonald’s    I’m lovin’ it
American Express    Don’t leave home without it
7-Up    The uncola
Budweiser    The king of beers
Apple     Think different
Jaguar    Don’t dream it. Drive it
AIG    We know money
Ajax    Stronger than dirt
Allstate Insurance    You’re in good hands with Allstate
California Milk Processor Board    Got milk?
MasterCard    There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else there’s MasterCard.
Target    Expect more. Pay less

Admit it. You’re probably familiar with the company’s name just from their famous tagline, which is point-in-case at how important a tagline actually is. If you were a florist, and you met a man at an event, you could say “I provide brownie points for men.” Would that raise a smile, or what? If you met a woman, you could say, “I put romance back in people’s lives.”

If you were a computer store, you could say, “I save people from mental breakdowns” or “I am a headache reliever.” You get the idea!  You could make it humorous, and change it to suit the occasion, and remember, it is all about bridging it into your elevator speech.

(You do have an elevator speech, don’t you?)



Article Author: Roy Prevost is an internationally recognized retail trainer, keynote speaker and customer service activist. He is the author of Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to Outmaneuver and Outperform the Big Guys. Roy has spent the last 25 years working in and with thousands of businesses worldwide helping them grow their business and increase revenues by showing them how to compete in a hyper-competitive world through relationship building and going the extra mile with customers. He is passionate about turning business owners into ‘Customer Service Superstars’. Click Here to receive your complementary guide: 10 Topics to Discuss Before You Hire a Web Design Company.

Article Resources:
Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to outmaneuver and outperform the big guys by Roy Prevost

Photo Source: courtesy of Goldy / Free Digital Photos