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We Categorize the Event as a Huge Success!

As a result of Roy’s teachings, our stores have experienced sizable increases in sales, customer service levels have improved, the teams are working well together, and all this despite one of the most challenging seasons due to weather. Sandy Mathies Cannor...

Still Talking About Your Presentation

Our staff are still talking about your presentation that took place last week, the enthusiasm continues to gain momentum. The staff can relate to your examples of poor customer service and realize now how easily we can create a great experience. Your presentation was...

Nothing Short of Inspiring

Roy, your presentation was nothing short of inspiring. You presented in a manner that was both humorous and entertaining, while still driving home our “core values” message to the entire audience. Our TEAM is made up of highly accomplished managers with years of...

A Simple Solution plus Helpful Hints

October 27, 2012 Recently, while passing by the recycling bin in our complex (yes, I look for marketing stuff everywhere), I noticed the following greeting card sitting there and it caught my attention. On the front of the card, It had a sunset and huge letters...

Home Hardware in Fort McMurray

Roy, I was impressed by your preparation taken for the two meetings with our management and supervisors before having the main meeting. We were able to discuss our focus and the core values we wanted to attain for our company. Thank you. Don Corothers, Home Hardware,...

The Woof Dog Lounge and Spa

Roy helped us increase our business by 50% in 90 days! He helped us get to the first page of Foogle. He suggested affiliates we could work with. He suggested we meet with a supplier with whom we set up a partnership that will allow us to access a huge potential new...

You May Be Eligible For Up To $1500 Free Business Training

Aug 25, 2012 For my newsletter subscribers in British Columbia, please read the last part of this newsletter for a very exciting government sponsored program. As per my custom every year, I do not send a July newsletter since everyone is in vacation mode and I feel it...

More Helpful Hints and a Success Story…

June 21, 2012 In every generation, there are individuals who command the highest accolades in their fields of endeavour with humility and simplicity, I believe that Warren Buffett is one of those people. Here are some brilliant insights from the oracle of Omaha. There...

A New Launch and Some Helpful Hints…

April 19, 2012 First, I want to thank everyone who took advantage of our last Facebook business page promotion that we launched in March.   Brad and I are grateful for the support and the business!   Meanwhile, we received some requests and some feedback regarding the...