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Building Employee Engagement: How to Boost Morale

How often have you wanted to tell a complaining employee to “get a life!” While this may make you feel better, it’s not a constructive way to turbocharge your employees. The key to building or maintaining morale in your small business is to kick up the communication...

This is probably the most important newsletter I have ever sent..

March 17, 2014, Were you aware that desktop and laptop computers are quickly becoming passé? Did you know that smartphones have surpassed PCs as a way for customers and prospects to view your website? Did you know that 98% of the websites in North America are...

A few ideas, a personal story and my gratitude

February 5, 2014, Small business will not survive by delivering average customer service. I have been preaching this message for years. Here is an excellent insight on this subject and It further validates the theory....

A standing ovation for a conscientious customer service pro

December 18, 2013, As a customer service activist, I am constantly on the search for the good, the bad and the ugly of customer service as I live and travel in this country. Mostly, it is the negative experiences that I rant about, however, today I have 2 ‘feel good’...

I’m back with more valuable tips and ideas

September 15, 2013, I hope you had a great summer. Here in Vancouver, we have had exceptional weather and my family and I took full advantage of it! I purposefully did not send newsletters over the summer months since it is usually a quieter more relaxing time for...

Straight to the Point and on Target!

I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to anyone, the services of Roy Prevost as a Business/Motivational Speaker. I had the chance to be on the dais with him in the spring of this year in Bangkok, Thailand. He spoke on customer service effectiveness. The...

We had Overwhelming Favourable Comments

We engaged Roy to speak at a function attended by local small and medium business entrepreneurs. We found his address to be informative, inspiring and motivational. We had overwhelming favorable comments from those attending the event. Rick Prior Executive Director...

The Feedback was Great!

The North Grenville Chamber of Commerce hired Roy Prevost twice: 1. for a Business Connection to speak to members on the Topic of being in business with box stores 2. A day-long Workshop (asked back by the members who attended the first event for a more in-depth...

A Great Speaker for Any Business Community

I have hired Roy Prevost 3 times to speak to the business community in Drumheller AB. I first met Roy in Ft. St. John BC where he talked about WalMart and how small business can compete with them. In Drumheller he spoke about WalMart, Customer Service and Employee...

A Definite Asset for Any Organization

Roy is an excellent speaker, coach and business visionary. In my dealings with Roy, I have found him to be creative, knowledgeable and he offers tremendous business experience. He is a definite asset for any organization looking for ways to improve and move forward....