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Thanks for speaking at the 2008 OFA Short Course. You are very organized, professional, and easy to work with. As a convention planner, I really appreciate your timeliness in meeting our deadlines.
You have been well received by our attendees and I would highly recommend you as a speaker to any other organization.
Here are a few attendee comments taken from your evaluation forms:

  • Every employer should hear his presentation.
  • Fabulous. I came away with wonderful ideas I can actually use. Roy is a superb speaker and a joy to listen to. I took many pages of notes and never yawned. Roy is great. I look forward to his next class.
  • Great speaker, easy to understand, right on target, easy to follow real ideas to solve real problems.

We look forward to having you speak again at a future OFA Short Course.

Michelle Gaston
Director – Professional Development
OFA – an Association of Floriculture Professionals