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Customer Complaints Using Them To Your AdvantageWe’ve all had it — poor customer service that is – and it’s very likely something you will forever remember about that establishment. The Research Institute of America, which conducted a study for the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, sheds some light on the devastating consequences of poor customer service:

• The average business will hear nothing from 96% of unhappy customers who receive rude or discourteous treatment.
• 90% of those who are dissatisfied with the service they receive will not come back or buy again.
• Each of those unhappy customers will tell their story to at least nine other people and 13% will relate their tales of woe to over 20 people.
• For every complaint received, the average company has 26 customers with problems, six of which they consider serious problems.
• Only 4% of unhappy customers bother to complain. For every complaint you hear, 24 others go uncommunicated to your company, but not uncommunicated to other potential customers.
• Of customers who register a complaint, between 54% and 70% will do business again with your firm if their complaint is resolved. The figure rises to 95% if the customer feels the complaint was resolved quickly.
• It takes twelve positive incidents to make up for one negative incident in the eyes of your customers.

YIKES!! Isn’t that scary? Aren’t those all great reasons to turbocharge your customers?

Here’s a suggestion:

The next time a customer makes a complaint try to see it as a wonderful opportunity to improve your business. Thank the complainant for the courage to step forward and make their voice known and appreciate the fact that now you have the opportunity to ‘wow’ them and create an ‘evangelist’ for your business.



Article Author: Roy Prevost is an internationally recognized retail trainer, keynote speaker and customer service activist. He is the author of Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to Outmaneuver and Outperform the Big Guys. Roy has spent the last 25 years working in and with thousands of businesses worldwide helping them grow their business and increase revenues by showing them how to compete in a hyper-competitive world through relationship building and going the extra mile with customers. He is passionate about turning business owners into ‘Customer Service Superstars’. Click Here to receive your complementary guide: 10 Topics to Discuss Before You Hire a Web Design Company.

Article Resources:
Turbocharge Your Retail Business: How to outmaneuver and outperform the big guys by Roy Prevost

Photo Source: courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / Free Digital Photos