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April 19, 2012

First, I want to thank everyone who took advantage of our last Facebook business page promotion that we launched in March.
Brad and I are grateful for the support and the business!
Meanwhile, we received some requests and some feedback regarding the original offer and we have responded accordingly.

First, we received requests for a bare bones rendition of a professional Facebook business page and we have complied with your wishes.
Secondly, many subscribers commented,” I know I need a professional Facebook business page and I understand the significance of having a business presence in Social Media but frankly I don’t know what to say or how to engage with clients or potential clients”
We have the solution!
We will do the posts for you!
Yes, you can look over our shoulder while our team creates posts for you twice a week in a very generic way. Should a customer request more information on your products or services, you will receive an immediate notification via email to follow up. Once you or your employee feels comfortable with the process of engaging with your customers, we will hand it over to you.
We also had requests from subscribers who were asking for additional information in order to make a decision, so we created a separate box next to the ‘buy now’ button where we will happily respond to any questions
Finally, you will note on the sales page, we included a Q&A session and have answered all your questions.
Here are the details here of our offer

Do you dare to fail? We spend so much time talking about success yet… do we also allow for failure? We want risk takers and proactive players in our companies, however, is our culture all about playing it safe?  This article has a great insight on the subject


I have been preaching this compensation idea for years. Having a job is not just about money. Great companies, large or small, have become creative about their work culture and environment by allowing their employees to be flexible in the workplace. Enjoy this article


Helping your workers tap into their strengths creates long term commitment and loyalty. As mentioned in the previous article, any creative way that allows your employees to exercise their abilities will trump the ‘money’ equation most of the time. See more details here

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I will be in Ontario during Small Business Week in October. For a nominal investment which includes travel, accommodation and meals, you will get one of the best (ahem!) speakers in Canada. Please call me at 604-519-0035 for more details


Finally, This is one of the most powerful videos that you’ll ever watch. You’ll want to pass this one on to your friends. Click here for a life changing moment!

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